Ocular Diseases Screening

Over half of your memories are visual! Don't forget your eye health. We are offering you full eye examinations that help to improve vision to the maximum extends! Check-out our services.

  • Hanizah Optometry Autorefractometer


    Instrument used to measure IOP (intraocular pressure) of the eye. This test is used to screen for glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease that causes damage to your eye's optic nerve and gets worse over time. People over the age of 40 have the highest risk for developing glaucoma.

  • Hanizah Optometry Autorefractometer

    BUT Test

    A test that examines the quality and quantity of tears to diagnose dry eyes. People with dry eyes may experience pain, sensitivity to light, gritty sensation, itchiness, foreign body sensation and in some cases will affect their vision. Chronic dry eyes will lead to pain, ulcers, or scars on the cornea, and some loss of vision. However, permanent loss of vision from dry eye is uncommon.

  • Hanizah Optometry Autorefractometer

    Slit Lamp / Biomicroscopy

    The instrument is used to observe anterior part of the eye including eye redness, iris, lens, sclera and cornea. By doing slit lamp examination abnormalities such as cataract, corneal injury, corneal oedema, scratch and scars (usually caused by contact lens extended wear) and dry eyes can be detected. This instrument allows practitioners to get a highly magnified view of the structures of your eye to thoroughly evaluate your eye health and detect any signs of infection or disease.

  • Hanizah Optometry Autorefractometer

    Amsler Chart

    A chart used to detect defects in the central visual field (macula area).